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What Is Channeling and How to Do It Safely

Writer: Jessica from Spirit ExplorationsJessica from Spirit Explorations
A woman meditates against a fiery cosmic backdrop. Text reads "What Is Channeling and How to Do It Safely" and "".

Have you ever had a thought pop into your head that felt too wise to be your own? Or received a sudden flash of insight that answered a question you didn’t even ask? You might have already been channeling without realizing it.

Channeling is the practice of receiving messages from higher realms—whether it’s spirit guides, angels, ascended masters, or even your higher self. Some people do this consciously by entering a meditative state, while others might receive guidance spontaneously throughout their day.

It’s a beautiful and powerful practice, but because it involves opening your energy field, it’s important to do it with intention and protection. Think of it like inviting guests into your home—you wouldn’t leave your front door wide open to just anyone walking by. The same goes for your energetic space.

What Does Channeling Feel Like?

Channeling can come through in different ways, depending on your natural intuitive abilities. Here are some common experiences:

✨ Hearing words or phrases in your mind (clairaudience)

✨ Seeing images, symbols, or visions (clairvoyance)

✨ Feeling sudden emotions or bodily sensations (clairsentience)

✨ Just knowing something without understanding how (claircognizance)

Sometimes, the messages are straightforward. Other times, spirit likes to be cryptic (or even humorous). I once asked my guides how to bring more abundance into my life, and the image I received was… cheese. Yep, just cheese. It took me a while to realize they were telling me to smile more. (Cheese = say “cheese” = smile.) Spirit works in mysterious (and playful) ways!

If you’ve ever had a random thought that later turned out to be spot-on or felt an intuitive nudge to do something that led to an unexpected blessing, you were likely channeling in that moment. The more you practice, the clearer and more natural these messages become.

How to Channel Properly and Stay Protected

Since channeling involves opening up your energy, it’s essential to ensure you’re only connecting with high-vibrational beings. Here’s how to do it safely:

1. Set a Clear Intention

Before channeling, be specific about who you want to connect with and why. Instead of asking, “Who’s out there?” say something like:💫 "I intend to connect only with my highest and most loving guides who have messages for my highest good." Setting an intention acts as a filter, ensuring you’re only allowing in energies that serve your best interests.

2. Ground Yourself

Channeling can be an expansive experience, and without grounding, you might feel spacey or drained afterward. A simple way to ground is to imagine roots extending from your feet deep into the earth. You can also hold a grounding crystal (like black tourmaline or hematite) or eat something nourishing after your session.

3. Create an Energetic Shield

Before you begin, visualize yourself surrounded by a bubble of protective light—white, gold, or violet are great for spiritual protection. You can also call on Archangel Michael, known for his powerful shielding energy.

If you ever feel uncomfortable while channeling, you can say:

"Only energies of love and light are welcome here. If you are not here for my highest good, you must leave now."

4. Raise Your Vibration

Your energetic frequency determines what you attract. Low-vibrational entities can’t easily connect with high-vibrational energy, so keeping your own vibration high acts as a natural filter.

Ways to raise your vibration before channeling:

🌿 Meditate or listen to uplifting music

😂 Laugh or do something that brings you joy

💜 Express gratitude

🔥 Burn sage or use essential oils like frankincense

Blonde woman in flowing white dress spins gracefully indoors. Text: "What Is Channeling and How to Do It Safely" and website link.

5. Use a Tool (Optional)

Some people find it easier to channel using a method that helps focus their energy. You might try:

🖊 Automatic writing – Ask a question and write whatever comes to mind, without overthinking.

🎴 Oracle or tarot cards – A great way to receive visual guidance.

🔮 Pendulums – Useful for simple yes/no questions.

Even if you don’t use tools, having a journal to write down your messages can help you recognize patterns over time.

6. Trust but Verify

Not every message you receive will necessarily come from a high-vibrational source, so discernment is key. Messages from spirit guides will always be loving, encouraging, and empowering. If a message feels fear-based, manipulative, or makes you feel small, question it.

A simple way to verify a message is to ask yourself:

✔ Does this feel uplifting and true?

✔ Would a wise and loving teacher say this to me?

✔ Does this message resonate in my heart?

If something feels off, clear your energy and try again later.

7. Close the Session

Once you’re done channeling, it’s important to close the connection. Imagine closing a door or sealing your energy field. You can say something like:🙏 Thank you for your guidance. I now close this channel and return fully to my body.

Then, do something grounding—shake out your hands, walk around, or eat something hearty. This helps you transition back into your everyday awareness.

Meditative person outdoors at sunset, surrounded by sparkles. Text: "What Is Channeling and How to Do It Safely." Mood is peaceful.

Final Thoughts

Channeling is an incredible way to receive guidance and deepen your connection to spirit, but like any spiritual practice, it takes time to develop. The more you practice, the more you’ll learn to distinguish between your own thoughts and genuine messages from spirit.

And remember—spirit doesn’t always communicate in serious, mystical ways. Sometimes, it’s as simple as a reminder to smile. 😊

Have you ever received a message from your guides that made you laugh or took you by surprise? Drop a comment below—I’d love to hear your experiences! 👇

Jessica Wiler business card. She is a hypnotherapist, Akashic Record Reader, and Reiki Master. Includes email and website info.


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